OBS Home Page

OBS Home Page

Payments Due

All outstanding balances are listed in this section.

The hyperlink in the Amount column opens the invoice details. From there, various actions can be performed such as review billing details, pay or print a bill, print a coupon, or recalculate the bill.

By marking the box next to a payment due record, the user can then select “Pay Now” or “Schedule Payment” and navigate to a new screen to pay the selected amount.

Recent Payments

All recently processed payments will reflect in the Recent Payments section.


  1. The Bill Group tab displays the total number of bill groups the group has.
  2. The Employees tab displays the total number of enrolled employees.
  3. The Dependents tab displays the total number of enrolled dependents.

Quick Links

  1. “Employees Info” fast navigates to the “Search Employee Data”
  2. “Employee Reports” fast navigates to the page for creating and downloading reports.
  3. “Communication” fast navigates to the page for late pay, renewal, and other reminders.


Hovering the cursor over the announcements will display various helpful reminders.


Selecting this option will log the administrator out of the Online Billing System and navigate back to the Login screen.

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        TBS Online Billing System