There are some instances where a group administrator will not be able to make eligibility changes in OBS. They could be either of the following:
- New Business Installation - group administrators are not given access to OBS until the group is fully installed in the system.
- Domestic Policy Renewal - To ensure accurate information is produced when providing renewal information to the group and transmitting data to Aetna, the group’s ability to complete eligibility changes through the online portal have been suspended. This typically occurs 50-60 days prior to the group’s anniversary date and the system will remain locked until the renewal is completed in the system.
- International Policy Renewal - To ensure accurate information is produced when providing renewal information to the group and transmitting data to Aetna, the group’s ability to complete eligibility changes through the online portal have been suspended. This typically occurs once the renewal documentation is received and the system will remain locked until the renewal is completed in the system.
While eligibility changes are locked, the group admin will be able to view their members, invoices, and make payments but will not be able to make any eligibility changes. In order to make eligibility changes the group will need to submit the requests to: