2. Go to My Company – Approvals Pending
3. A list of employees that need the I-9 Section 2 will be listed under Approval Pending (Available to You)
5. Click Grab to move the Approvals Pending to (Assigned to You)
6. Click on the link to open the I-9 form.
7. Review Section 1 of the I-9 form to ensure the employee completed it properly. If you find errors, click the Deny button to send back to the employee to correct. If everything looks acceptable click on the Next button.
8. This will open Section 2 of the I-9 Form for the employee
9. You are required to complete any items with an asterisk. Note: The Document chosen will determine the next screen you are shown.
Note: Depending on the Document chosen will determine the next screen.
Supply Choice from List A
10. Once you have completed the required fields, click Next.