Domestic Renewal FAQ

Domestic Renewal FAQ

Group Administrator Guide for Renewals


This guide is applicable to groups headquartered domestically, specifically in Alaska or Washington.

Q: Where is our renewal? Can we get it early?
A: Our goal is to get renewals out as soon as possible. However, there are many steps involved in the preparation and do not control all of them. We will send the renewal to you as soon as we can, but no later than 45 days before the renewal date.

Q: Can you confirm if this new member is active?
A: For groups headquartered in Alaska please reach out to for assistance.
For groups headquartered in Washington please reach out to for assistance.

Q: Has the renewal/ enrollment been finalized?
A: To confirm if the renewal has been finalized the group admin can check to see if full access has been restored in the Online Billing System or reach out to the Client Care team for assistance. 
For groups headquartered in Alaska please reach out to for assistance.
For groups headquartered in Washington please reach out to for assistance.

Q: Can we get the renewal updated with the correct census?
A: AETNA only does rerate on an exception basis when there are significant changes to the census information. The census on the renewal is based on data pulled approximately 6 months prior to a group’s renewal date. In WA rates are always calculated using an annual average of the group over the prior year. It is almost always the case that the census information on a renewal exactly matches the group’s current employee population. Minor changes will not likely affect the rates. Only the total monthly premium will be updated. If the group has communicated their updates to TBS, the next invoice will accurately reflect the current census. Please notify us ASAP if that is not the case.

Q: Why are the rates so high?
A: ACA rates consider all kinds of demographics. While older ages can greatly affect the rates. It’s all the different demographics that go into calculation of the rates.

Q: Could you please send me a plan summary for our policies?
A: For groups headquartered in Alaska plan summaries are located here.
For groups headquartered in Washington plan summaries are located here.
For additional assistance, please reach out to our Renewals team at   

Q: The group thinks they had Life Insurance, could you confirm?
A: AETNA sold their life insurance block to The Hartford in 2019. The policy is now billed and renewed directly by The Hartford. If you have any questions, please contact The Hartford Customer Service Department by email at or by phone at 1-800-523-2233, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.

For additional assistance, please reach out to our Renewals team at

Q: Where is the LifeMap renewal?
A: Renewals are released approximately 45 days prior to the group’s renewal date. If you are looking for a LifeMap DENTAL renewal, you can reach out to our Renewals team at to send as soon as it is available. If you’re looking for a LifeMap LIFE insurance policy renewal, these policies renew every two years. If you're uncertain of the renewal schedule for the policy, our Renewals team would be happy to help.

Q: If the group terminates their medical, can they keep their dental plan?
A: The dental plan is a stand-alone plan and not tied to medical. However, there must still be at least 2 enrolled employees remaining in the group’s dental plan.

Q: If the group can’t afford the premium increase, do you have any recommendations?
A: When premiums are higher than you are comfortable with, one option is to change plans to one with a higher deductible or add a second plan than has a higher deductible. Unfortunately, for groups of this size, there aren’t a lot of options. If your cost concern is related the employee contribution, we could run the quote with age-banded rates. The total premium does not change, but the employee cost would be more fairly spread based on their age, with the older employees paying more than the younger employees.

Q: The group is down to just 1 person. Can they still be covered?
A: A group that only has 1 enrolled employee at renewal time is still eligible to renew the policy.

Q: The last person on the plan has left the company. Will the policy automatically terminate?
A: When the last enrolled person on a plan terminates, Aetna does not automatically terminate the policy. They will let the group renew the policy even with no active members. This allows the group to have an active policy in place for any potential new hires that come on board within the next year. If there are still not any active members on the plan the following year, at renewal, Aetna will then terminate the plan.

Q: We think we are being charged for vision for a member who termed last year. How can we get this fix?
A: While TBS assisted with the initial set-up of your group’s vision plan, we do not handle any administration for VSP. That is handled directly between VSP and your group. For VSP questions or additional information, please contact them directly at 1-800-216-6248 or

Q: We have a member who went to the pharmacy and they were told they don’t have coverage. Can you please help?
A: If you're certain the member is active in Aetna's system, the quickest way to resolve this is to have your employee reach out to the Pharmacy line of Aetna’s Member Services Team at 1-800-238-6279 (WA) or 1-800-238-6279 (AK). You could also send an email to them at
If you're not sure the member is active in Aetna's system, please reach out to our Client Care team at 1-855-246-8873 for assistance.

Q: Our group currently has dental plan. They would like to see a quote to add medical. Could please send that with the renewal?
A: We can absolutely send you a medical quote along with your group’s dental renewal. We will need to know if we should use the same census information in the dental renewal for the medical quote or a census should be provided for the medical quote.
For groups headquartered in Alaska please reach out to for assistance.
For groups headquartered in Washington please reach out to for assistance.

Q: The group wants to add dental, life, or VSP. Do you need any additional paperwork?
A: To add a new policy, there are additional forms required. Please send an email to our Renewals team at and let them know which policy your group would like to add. They will send you the additional forms required to do so.

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