Continuation of Coverage

Continuation of Coverage

No state continuation coverage is available.

No state continuation coverage is available.

Employee members and/or their dependents may continue coverage for up to six (6) months if they are no longer eligible for coverage. They will be responsible to pay the premiums to continue coverage. This limited-time coverage is not available for those eligible for continuation coverage under the Federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) or, if the group policy ends or, if employment ends for cause (termination for cause).

Length of Continuation

• 6 months from the date of loss of coverage; (6 months is the recommended length of coverage, but since this is Employer Directed, the employer should be consulted to determine the length they have allowed).

• the date the group policy is discontinued;

• the date premiums are not paid;

• the date the employee obtains full-time work with another employer

• the date the labor dispute ceases.

Employer administers this continuation and EE will still remain on bill.

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